Automatic Payment and Renewal

Using your Hireflix account, you can choose directly which plan fits your needs the most and pay directly for it using a credit card, allowing for automatic renewals when your plan expires. Introduce your credit card and billing information and pay for what you need when you need it.

To set your automatic payment and renewal of subscriptions, follow these steps:

You can follow these steps even if your Trial/subscription has ended.

  1. Log in to your Hireflix account.
  2. Go to
  3. Select the plan you prefer and hit
  4. If you don’t know which plan fits best for you, you can hit Compare Plans to contrast the different plans and their features.

  5. Once you have picked your plan, select the payment term (yearly or monthly).
  6. Notice that yearly terms have a 50% discount!

  7. Introduce your credit card details and billing information and hit Complete Payment.
  8. ⚠️Warning: if your company is VAT exempt, please disable the VAT tax in your billing information.

  9. After the payment is fulfilled and confirmed, an invoice will be automatically sent to your email.

🎉 All done!

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