Creating and Customizing Templates

Email and SMS templates are the messages you choose to be automatically sent to candidates, with the timing of your choice.

You can have as many templates as you want. Assign them specific names so that you don't get them mixed up!

There are two types of templates:

  • I. Invite, or
  • II. Reminder

These invites and reminders can be sent through two different channels:

  • Email, or
  • SMS

When an account is created, it has 4 predetermined templates: invite and reminder via email, and invite and reminder via SMS.

However, our recommendation is that you tailor them to your company's culture.

These are the steps to customize a template:

  1. Go to Account > Templates
  2. Hit Edit ✏️ and modify the message as much as you want
  3. Preview it and Save it

Apart from customizing the existing templates, you can also create new ones. You can have as many templates as you want.

These are the steps to create a template:

  1. Go to your Account > Templates
  2. Hit New Template
  3. Choose the type of template you want to create: email or SMS
  4. Write the message
  5. Preview & Save it

How to use the variables

At the top right of the template editor, you will see a drop-down menu called Insert Variable. Use it to add the pieces that may change with the job position or the candidate who receives the message:

  • Candidate name
  • Job title
  • Interview URL
  • User first name
  • User last name
  • Company name
  • Number of questions

To use this variables, simply select the one you need as you write. When you are done writing, preview the template to make sure the variable is where you intended!

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