SSO - Configuration with DUO

Updated by Antonio

IMPORTANT: Make sure that you only assign people whose email matches an email which is part of your team in Hireflix. Otherwise they will not be able to log in.

Since DUO supports SAML2, you can definitely configure SSO between Hireflix and DUO. We don't yet have a formal article outlining the steps BUT we have clients that use this SSO connection and below you can see what one had to say:

"It was pretty basic and straightforward and all that was needed were details I found from the Hireflix Metadata URL/file you shared with me earlier. The main items I needed were the respective; entityID, AssertionConsumerService URL/location, and the NameID format to enter into Duo on our end.

I referred to the other supported SSO provider documents you had shared (below) just to see if there were any other specifics to take note of. The majority of what was needed in Duo followed those documented in the Okta and Azure AD notes.

  1. Okta:
  2. Azure
  3. One Login

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