Reviewing Candidates

By default, you will receive a notification via email every time a candidate completes an interview. You can also receive notifications in Slack.

Learn how to set up these notifications in Slack.

After a candidate has finished the interview, they will appear automatically in . Now it's your turn! Watch the answers and give them a rating from 1 to 5 stars.

You can also write comments and opinions on the Private Notes box. Let your teammates know what you think about each candidate and make sure they don't miss anything.

Move the candidates through the Funnel. If you loved them, add them to . Also, send those you didn't like to . If you want to permanently delete them, you can do it once they are archived.

⚠️ Remember! If you want to permanently delete a candidate, remember you will not be able to recover it. If you are not sure about this decision, consider only archiving them.

Do you want to give someone one more opportunity? Don't worry! This is as simple as deleting them, and inviting them again!

⚠️ This is because the same email direction can't be invited twice to the same Job Position.

You can also share the interview with your team to get a second opinion.

Learn how to share interviews.

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