Job Sharing

Hireflix allows its users to tailor who gets access to the different Jobs present in a Workspace. Users can create Jobs and decide whether they want to be the only ones to see that Job or they want to share it with other specific users (or the whole team).

Administrators will always have access to all Jobs, and they can also select which of the other users get access to what Jobs. Once other users are granted access, they can also select which other users are able to access every Job.

Users other than Administrators will not be able to remove access neither from Administrators nor from Job Owners (the user who has created the Job, either an Administrator or regular User).

Here’s how to manage access to Jobs:

  1. Go to the Job you want to manage access to
  2. Hit All Team
  3. Share with the entire team will be the predetermined option. Unselect it to be able to give access to limited users
  4. Select who you want to have access to the Job

Users who don’t have access to certain Jobs will not see them on their Jobs screen, nor be able to access, edit or invite candidates to them.

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