Using your own domain on your interview links

Updated by Antonio

How to customize your interview links to use your own domains.

To activate this feature requires some configuration by whomever owns your domain. It is not hard, but it has to be done by someone that knows how to do it. Hence please watch the video above. Everything is explained there. The summary is:

  1. Identify the person who manages your domain and has the authority to add DNS records to it.
  2. Choose the subdomain you'd like to use for your links and enter it into Hireflix. This will generate the three necessary DNS records.
  3. Incorporate these three DNS records into your domain's DNS configuration.
  4. After waiting for 30 min or so, you will be able to activate this feature on Hireflix.

Frequently asked questions

Q1: I've added the records, but even after 24 hours, I can't activate my custom domain. What could be the issue?

It's quite unusual for DNS record validation to take over 24 hours. If this happens, it's likely there's an issue on the configuration of the records. Each DNS provider has slightly different methods for adding DNS records, and even small discrepancies can cause problems.

The best solution is to directly ask your DNS record provider and they will be able to help you. They know exactly how to configure DNS records in their specific frontend.

Please contact them and that will solve everything

Q2 : I understand contacting my DNS provider is a good solution, but I still want to know why I might be experiencing issues. I inputted the information exactly as Hireflix suggested, yet it's not working. Can you explain?

Ok, let me explain. Issues are usually related with the Key/Host part of the record. When creating DNS records, the "domain part" or the root domain (in this case, "") is often automatically appended by the DNS provider. So when you're setting subdomain DNS records, sometimes you only need to include the subdomain part, not the full domain.

Let's say your website is and you want to use the subdomain for your interviews. Hireflix's configuration process would advise you to add the following three records:












You might have copied this exact data into your DNS provider's Host and Value fields and found it doesn't work. This issue usually lies in the KEY/HOST section. Notice that the KEY/HOST has three components: the prefix, the subdomain (in red), and the domain (in blue).

As explained earlier, when creating DNS records, the "domain part" or the root domain (in this case, "") is often automatically appended by the DNS provider. Namecheap is an example of a provider that does this. Therefore, when adding records on Namecheap, you would actually need to remove the domain from the Keys, like so:















Here, the domain part is not included in the KEY/HOST. Implementing it this way should solve the issue, and you should be able to validate your domain within an hour or so.

Q3: My DNS provider doesn't allow me to put TTL 10 minutes.... what do I put?

Don't worry too much about this. Just try to put something above 5 minutes. Ideally 5 min or 10 min... Some providers such as Microsoft 365 Admin Centre only allow 30 min as the minimum allowed amount... that is fine, put 30 and it is ok.

Q4: I have 2 different Hireflix accounts, can I use the same subdomain for both?

The answer is NO. You will need to use 2 different subdomains. For instance you could have one account with and the other with See how the second subdomain is different because you put interviewS with the final S. That will work. Remember though that you will have to configure then 6 DNS records. Three for the first subdomain, and three for the second subdomain.

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